Tuesday, July 1, 2014

CHIRP - Concerts Happening in Ridgefield Parks

Just back from the concert in Ridgefield at Ballard Park and what an amazing evening.  The Hot Nut Riveters were great.  I'm told that the Parks and Rec department in Ridgefield goes all out in finding great talent for their concerts and I can believe it.  I can not wait until I can make it to the next concert.

The concert was at Ballard Park which is on Main Street, across from the library.  Its best to park in the lot next to the library, across the street from the park.  Ballard park is a great destination on its own with a great playground and beautiful garden -  I will be going back just to check out the garden.  This is a concert for music lovers, so do not sit in the front if you are planning on talking, you will be asked to move.  If you plan to chat away, just sit back a bit and don't worry, speakers are placed throughout the field, so everyone can hear (and they aren't blasting which is nice).

The Band

The Audience

Ballard Park

A partial view of the gardens at Ballard Park

We will be back to Ballard Park for the playground and gardens and will update with more photos.  The park itself is worth a trip.  For information on the concerts, go to: http://chirpct.org

For information on Ballard Park, go to: http://www.ridgefieldct.org/content/4679/4687/4748/4957/

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